Saturday, September 3, 2011

Progress...back on track!

So sorry I have not updated...I am back on track since this past Monday.  I had a horrible time trying to start last weekend but I attribute that to my monthly cycle, it was just bad timing to start something...I felt really sick to my stomach all weekend.  BUT..I started full on Monday and it has been absolutely smooth sailing since then!  I have had no cravings whatsoever and it feels like the easiest transition ever.  I have been reading about eating for your blood type (I'm O+), so I've been trying to focus on incorporating more of those foods into my diet.  Salmon was a new food to me a few weeks ago, but now I am eating it daily.  It is expensive, but knowing that it's probably the best source of protein for me and packed with omega 3's makes it worth it to me.  I haven't bought it fresh yet, I got the frozen vacuum sealed pack from Costco.  I believe it was $20 for 6-7 patties (I got only 6, of course, because I'm so lucky like that).  I've also been eating a lot more breakfast type meals...there is something about eggs that I will never get sick of, they are like a food group to me.  I have been able to find pastured eggs at whole foods but I admit I got the cheap ones this week.

So the good's only Saturday and I'm down 11.2 pounds.  In LESS THAN A WEEK...people...this is crazy!  My mind has shifted a little to weight loss, not away from healthy eating, but I am starting to incorporate them together better, and it's becoming a lot easier.

Sadly I did not get to meet with Lindsay from Passionate Homemaking this week!  My dog got really sick and we were supposed to take him to the vet at that time.  Bummer...I hope she understands and will try another time with me!  I am eager to see her kitchen and learn about things like kefir and kombucha.

In other news I've been going through a lot in my personal life this week....I can't really talk about it..but your prayers are appreciated.  I am struggling.  It's funny to me because normally when something makes me upset or depressed I will drown my sorrows with half a box of pizza.  Not so anymore...not even tempted!  I think I really have experienced a paradigm shift.  Another funny thing--I haven't had the heart to call and cancel with Weight Watchers.  I am not doing the diet, but I love the meetings and the support and I have been debating going back just for the support...wonder if they would kick me out if they found out? Hehe.  I think part of it is that I am craving adult interaction right now, I still haven't met a ton of people and it's been rough.

I will try to update more often, but just to let you know it is in my nature to start things and never finish them.  I think I've started 10 blogs since the birth of the internet.  But, hang in there and check back weekly at least!

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