Friday, August 12, 2011

Cluck, Moooo

I am as big an animal lover as there ever was.  Last night I watched Food, Inc. for the first time.  Yes, I know, it's been on my list forever but I just don't watch much TV anymore.  I have problems putting down the books (or really the Ipad, where I buy and read all my books!).  The thing that angered me the most from the movie was the chickens.  None of the chickens you see are caged!  So, "cage-free"?  Is it really better?  Nope, just a marketing scheme put on by Tyson.  Not that shocking, really.  They aren't allowed to go outside, instead they are trapped in a giant chicken house and you literally cannot see an inch of ground in it, the chicken population is so dense!  This really made me think twice about buying "cage-free" eggs.  I've heard that before but it didn't click with me until I watched the movie.  If you haven't seen the movie or want to know more about how chickens are farmed by big companies like Tyson, click here.  I now buy pastured chicken eggs, and plan on only buying pastured chickens from now on.  
Cows in industrialized farms fare no better.  These cows are fed a grain-based diet (mainly corn, and soybeans).  This diet creates the perfect breeding ground in the cow's gut for e coli and other illnesses, which are often passed on to humans by consuming this tainted beef.  This is a good read on grass-fed beef here.

Yes, I am becoming one of those crazy Portland nuts who demands to know what farm their food is from.   Here's a funny skit from Portlandia making fun of those nuts.  By the way I would never ask this many questions. haha.

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